private sector

Keep the residential properties you manage safe from crime

Give tenants and residents peace of mind with 24/7 protection and crime prevention.

Capture the evidence law enforcement needs to solve crime

70% of crime involves a vehicle. Flock Safety's LPR cameras capture images of the back of vehicles that enter and exit your property. Once law enforcement has information regarding a suspect's vehicle, they are more likely to clear cases and decrease crime rates -- making your property safer and more appealing to new and existing residents.

Flock provides hardware, cloud-based software, and maintenance for license plate recognition, gunshot detection, video and so much more.

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Flock provides hardware, cloud-based software, and maintenance for license plate recognition, gunshot detection, video and so much more.

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Benefits for Property Managers

Hands-off safety solution

Flock’s Sparrow license plate reading camera captures vehicle data day and night, and automatically alerts law enforcement if a wanted vehicle passes by it.

Solve crimes more quickly

License plates and vehicle details are 100% objective evidence, removing the human bias. Generate actionable, investigative leads to help law enforcement solve crimes more quickly.

Turn-key subscription service model

We take care of hardware, permitting, installation, maintenance and software training for a single annual subscription price.


What Are A Community Manager’s Security Options? A Breakdown On Cost, Effectiveness, Ease

It’s a tool that works at so many different levels — it adds value to the property manager, because you’re bringing something to the table for the Board to look at, and it adds something to the community because when someone learns about the system, they’re more inclined to buy a house here which increases the value of all the homes.
Mitzi Jimenez
Community Manager


Maintenance-free products