Community Safety

How One California Community Came Together to Advocate for a Safer Future

March 26, 2024

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Community Safety

How One California Community Came Together to Advocate for a Safer Future

Voces del Canal – a coalition of parents, essential workers, and community leaders – serves a diverse community of about 13,000 residents in the Canal neighborhood of San Rafael in Marin County.

Their vision for the Canal to be a safe, clean, and healthy community where families and children can walk and play freely is being realized through efforts across neighborhood infrastructure, public safety, and education.

"Muchas gracias Flock Safety for coming to protect us - it has been needed for so many years."
Marina Palma | Voces del Canal Community Volunteer

After facing safety challenges within the community, the Voces del Canal group knew they needed to take action and find a solution that would effectively protect their residents while fostering collaboration with local law enforcement.

The community ultimately came together to fund Flock LPR cameras to be placed throughout the Canal to deter crime and provide San Rafael PD with the crucial evidence needed to pursue an investigation in the event of a crime. 

"We are so full of joy in our community and we are very resilient and I truly love our community because we’re all here for the same reason - to make our life better here and to advocate for what is right."
Marina Palma | Voces del Canal Community Volunteer

Marina Palma, a Voces del Canal Community Volunteer, has lived in the Canal neighborhood for 35 years. Hear directly from Marina on what their partnership with Flock means for the community and how she envisions a safer future for the Canal.

Discover how Flock can help improve the safety of your community by booking a demo with a safety expert today.

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