A West Columbia, South Carolina neighborhood had been dealing with complaints from their residents. Residents were noticing vandalism happening around their community and they wanted to put an end to it.
The vandalism wasn’t just bringing down their property values. Residents were concerned about the safety of themselves and their neighbors, and felt that their homes and neighborhood were being violated. Hoping to put a stop to the vandalism, residents reached out to their HOA board who contacted the police.
Thankfully, the South Carolina neighborhood had recently installed a Flock Safety license plate reading camera at the entrance of their neighborhood. This camera captures vehicles and objects that pass by the camera.
After police were aware of what was happening in the neighborhood, they reached back out to the HOA board for more details on the vandalism. Police narrowed down a possible vehicle to one they were already familiar with and asked if the HOA knew the vehicle.
Thanks to Flock Safety’s simple search tool, the HOA board was able to search through footage themselves. With license plate details provided by police, the HOA board entered the details into Flock’s system. Within seconds of hitting “Submit Search Request,” their system pulled up a match of a vehicle that had entered their neighborhood.