Cloud-Based Public Safety Platform


Seamlessly integrate first and third-party data across video, LPR, and audio to deliver real-time intelligence and retroactive crime solving with unmatched scalability.


End-To-End Solution

A set of fully integrated solutions that “Detect,” “Decode,” and “Deliver” evidence to the right person, at the right time. Centralize your technology suite to monitor multiple locations, campuses or neighborhoods in one place.

Cut the Complexity

Simplify workflows for every user with decentralized access to consolidated intelligence from a full-service vendor. Hassle-free implementation and best-in-class customer support.

Support Your Team

Remotely identify critical incidents to allocate teams efficiently where most needed. Objective, actionable data you control means more of what you need, less of what you don’t.

Promote Field Safety

Equip officers and security teams with real-time information to improve their situational awareness. Consolidate community cameras, evidence detection devices, and third-party data streams for a birdseye view of your whole jurisdiction.

real-time intelligence platform

Enhance situational awareness and operational efficiency by layering all your intelligence streams onto the FlockOS ESRI-based map.

  • Flock Safety Devices (LPR, Audio, Video)

  • Mobile & Fixed Video

  • Precincts / Boundaries

  • CAD Alerts

  • Community Camera Registry

  • Floor Plans

  • Patrol Units (AVL)

  • BWCs

  • Drones

  • Traffic

What our partners have to say

What our RTCC brings to the department is time. And time saves lives.
Darlene Cook
Real Time Crime Center Technician

Scottsdale Police Department

The PTZ function of the Condor camera has allowed our RTIC operator to zoom in during traffic stops in the area and provide real-time information to the officer during the stop. In many cases, officers are timing stops near these cameras as best possible for the additional safety it provides having over-watch.
Lt. Wesley Herman

Citrus Heights Police Dept.

This is the single greatest change since DNA – what this system does is a game-changer.
Matt Murray
Chief of Police

Yakima Police Dept.

FlockOS is a one-stop shop for LPR, live surveillance video, live commercial video, officer locations, and more. The OS is scalable, which will allow us to regionalize our real-time information center operations immediately, saving neighboring cities hundreds of thousands of dollars in build costs, and expanding our intelligence network in our region.
Jamie Hudson
RTIC Manager

Elk Grove Police Dept.


Law Enforcement Agencies use FlockOS®


Communities use Flock to deter and eliminate crime


Homicide cases cleared in Cobb County, Georgia and Riverside, California with the help of Flock

Flock Safety Products

Unlock more leads with layered intelligence

Details that matterObjective Evidence24/7 Coverage

Which FlockOS® package is right for your agency?

Boost crime-solving using LPR and Vehicle Fingerprint® evidence from police, neighborhood, school, and business cameras in your local area.
Get access to the largest LPR network in the USA and the ability to collaborate with other law enforcement agencies to solve crime.
Increase situational awareness by adding video and connecting community video cameras to your network.
Consolidate your public safety technologies into one interface to establish a Real-Time Crime Center.
Community Network Access
Access to cameras in your city or county shared with you
Law Enforcement Network Access
State network (LP lookup only)
Nationwide network (LP lookup online)
Direct share -surrounding jurisdiction (full access)
Vehicle Fingerprint® Search Features
Time/location based search
License plate lookup
Vehicle Fingerprint® search
Flock insights and analytics page
Axon Fleet 3 LPR integration
Real-Time Features
Esri map interface
Real-time NCIC alerts on Flock LPR cameras
Unlimited custom hot lists
Jurisdictional Context
Wing® Gateway, Wing® Cloud, Wing® VMS purchased by law enforcement
Custom map layers
Axon BWC & fleet location
Map PDF attachments
Camera Registry Program
Community Rollover Program
AVL connection
CAD connection
Floor plans
Drone video
FirstTwo integration
Regionalization support
Real-time routing
Additional Features
Unlimited users
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Transparency portal
All packages come with Unlimited Users, Maintenance, Technical Support & Training.