Stop crime in your community today

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24/7 monitoring for every home, business, and neighborhood against property crime, violent crime, stolen vehicles, and more.

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24/7 monitoring for every home, business, and neighborhood against property crime, violent crime, stolen vehicles, and more.

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The Speakers
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24/7 monitoring for every home, business, and neighborhood against property crime, violent crime, stolen vehicles, and more.

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The Speakers
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Stop crime in your community today

24/7 monitoring for every home, business, and neighborhood against property crime, violent crime, stolen vehicles, and more.

Don't watch crime. Solve it.

Benefits and Features

Proactive protection

We provide a way for law enforcement to receive alerts on stolen vehicles, known wanted criminals, and more enters your community

Zero maintenance

We take care of installation, hardware maintenance, and unlimited data storage, so you don’t have to.

24/7 Infrastructure-Free Protection

Create a virtual gate around your community

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Learn why more than 4,000+ communities trust Flock to keep their communities safer.

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Learn why more than 3,500+ communities trust Flock to keep their communities safer.

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