Community Safety

Prevent Crime with Flock License Plate Reader Cameras

January 4, 2019

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Community Safety

Prevent Crime with Flock License Plate Reader Cameras

At Flock Safety, we pride ourselves in our ability to help solve neighborhood crime. In just the last few months, we have provided evidence in more than 10 investigations and have aided in the arrest of two criminals. While solving crime is our main objective, we ultimately want our devices — our signature license plate reader — to prevent crime in the neighborhoods we protect.

Several months ago, we installed Flock license plate reader cameras and signage in a suburb of Atlanta.  This neighborhood was eager for our technology because there had been several concerning incidents. The criminal activity came to a head with more than 10 break-ins in a two-month period.

“When the number of car thefts & break-ins reached an all time high in our community, we knew that additional security measures needed to be taken. We installed Flock Safety cameras at both of our neighborhood entrances – since then, we have not had a single incident.”

-Blake, Neighbor

Immediately after Flock installed cameras in the neighborhood, the number of incidents dropped to zero.

Together our cameras, which work to solve crime, and our signage, which help deter crime, can make your neighborhood a safer place.

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