Private Sector

Protect the properties you manage from crime

Increase tenant retention and satisfaction with 24/7 security solutions.

Build a virtual security perimeter around your properties

Secure shopping centers, malls, office buildings and more with Flock Safety’s LPR, video and audio detection devices. Our devices and software elevate your security intelligence by allowing you to more effectively monitor and respond to potential threats.

Flock provides hardware, cloud-based software, and maintenance for license plate recognition, gunshot detection, video and so much more.

See All Flock Products

Flock provides hardware, cloud-based software, and maintenance for license plate recognition, gunshot detection, video and so much more.

See All Flock Products

Benefits for Property Managers

Real-time alerts and 24/7 protection

Keep tabs on what is happening throughout your properties day and night with LPR and video cameras.

Scalable and customizable technology

Our team of security experts tailors solutions specifically designed to address your unique security challenges.

Hassle-free solution

Flock’s subscription service model includes hardware, permitting, installation, maintenance and software training, making it easy to level-up security at all of your properties.



Proactive commercial property security strategies for shopping center property managers

In the current economic climate, shopping center property managers face low tenancy and increasing threats to their properties. This session covers how property managers are leveraging license plate reader cameras to deliver curb-to-core physical security that deters property crime and improves tenant satisfaction and retention.

Implementing Flock Safety was probably one of the easiest decisions I've made in my entire career. It was more than just adding LPR. The experience with Flock Safety and the support of the team made the decision easy. Flock Safety set the bar.
Ronnie Rosen
General Manager

Shelter Creek COA

Maintenance-free products

Infrastructure &
IT-free Hardware