About Flock

Flock Safety Birds of a Feather: Meet Casey Howse of Orlando, Florida

January 14, 2021

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About Flock

Flock Safety Birds of a Feather: Meet Casey Howse of Orlando, Florida

Name: Casey Howse

Job Title: Customer Onboarding Specialist

Start Date: 06/08/2020

Spirit Bird: African Penguin

Hi there! My name is Casey Howse and I am a Customer Onboarding Specialist at Flock Safety living in sunny Orlando. I joined the Flock because, honestly, I was searching for a way to help make a difference in the world. After a crazy year of surprises, a pandemic, unexpectedly not being able to leave my home and not knowing if I could even visit my family, I knew that the one thing I could control was what I spent my time doing. I wanted to do work that helped make people’s lives better.

What has always helped me when I’m searching for something I can’t define is reading. I picked up a book called 48 Days To the Work You Love, and on the 48th day I accepted my job Flock Safety… no, I’m not kidding! While reading the book, I learned that I wasn’t just searching for a job. I wanted to find a community of people and a company that shared the same passion I have, to do my part to make the world a better place. When I found Flock Safety, I knew I had found a group of people who were going to change the world. Now, I have the opportunity every day to help my customers make their communities safer… how cool is that?! I have always loved to help people, and now I get to do it from my favorite place in the world. 

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Why is Orlando, Florida your favorite place in the world?” While I moved here for the sun and the easy access to vacation spots, the everyday happiness I find here lies with the palm tree outside my window. How cool is this tree that can grow 200 feet tall, provide food, and live over 100 years?! It has always been a dream of mine to grow my life here ever since I met my husband in the heart of Disney World. There is something so special about this melting pot culture where everyone is encouraged to be themselves.

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