About Flock

Meet the Flock | Megan P.

November 20, 2023

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About Flock

Meet the Flock | Megan P.

5 Questions with Megan P. | Product Manager, Operations

With a growing team of 850+ dedicated employees, our "Meet the Flock" series spotlights the many faces, departments and specialties of Flock Safety. We’re excited to share the stories of our exceptional employees, each contributing their unique talents and perspectives to our shared mission of eliminating crime and shaping safer communities.

This week, we're excited to introduce Megan Powers, a product manager on our operations team.

1. Describe what you do in 5 words or less.

Support teams across the organization.

2. What is your favorite part of your job?

The opportunity to work with so many teams and people throughout Flock to help solve issues big and small!

3. What’s your favorite hobby?

Anything related to travel or being outside! Cycling, hiking, paddle boarding are all things I'm super passionate about, and if I can find a way to include my dogs on the adventure, even better, even if that means busting out the doggy backpack once in awhile. I love pushing myself outside of my comfort zone, whether that's riding 100+ miles of gravel in the middle of nowhere, doing a solo camper van trip across the US, or traveling to a new country (going to Cuba in December)...I love the feeling of conquering a fear or experiencing something new.

4. What’s something you are currently (or just finished) listening to, watching, or reading right now?

Just finished Blue Skies by T.C. Boyle (favorite author) and starting Deep Creek by Pam Houston.

5. What’s the best life or professional advice you’ve been given?

Never stop learning!

Looking to join a curious and committed team working to eliminate crime and shape a safer future for everyone? Check out all open positions here.

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